Sunday, May 6, 2007

Traditions of the French... and those of others

Today is a big day for the French. On this fine Sunday in May, they will decide who will occupy the most powerful office in the Fifth Republic. If we are to believe the two main candidates, Nicolas Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal, France is going to change a lot once he, or she, is elected.

The questions is whether this will happen indeed. According to this article by Craig Smith, entitled "Forget who'll win in France. Change is a loser.", France will move only a little, certainly not as much as the candidates claim.

"We have traditions, attitudes, an attachment to social welfare and, even if change is desirable, we won't accept change overnight.",1 it is said by French historian Michel Winock.

I find this a quite interesting way of reasoning, especially if we would apply it to other countries in the world. Can you imagine the reaction of the Americans if the Iraqis suddenly say:

"We have traditions, attitudes, a habituation to authoritarian rule and, even if change is desirable, we won't accept change overnight".

1. Quoted in Smith, Craig, "Forget who'll win in France. Change is a loser", in International Herald Tribune, May 5, 2007. Accessed via on May 6, 2007.